
Power BI Update – Clear all slicers

With this new feature, you are now able to remove all the filters you applied in just one click. You won’t waste time anymore with removing them one by one. // HOW The Clear all slicers button can be added in three ways: From the Optimize ribbon => Clear all slicers button From the insert […]


Power BI Update – Dynamic slicers

This summer, the new feature Field parameters became available in Power BI. This allowed end-users to dynamically change the measures and dimensions being analysed within a report.  It only supported scenarios where slicers or filter cards could control which fields would be used in different visuals. // HOW With the new update this month, you […]


Power BI Update – October

Since a few years, it was possible to use the function ‘Quick Measures’ to allow users to generate DAX instead of writing it by themself. It was a nice time-consuming function that helps a lot of Power BI developers. This month, Power BI came up with a new update based on creating measures. Quick Measure […]