// solutions

Data Strategy

DataSense’s solutions rely on a reference architecture with automation, agility, traceability and auditability at its heart. It all starts with determining the right data strategy.

Data Architecture

When you build a house, defining an architecture is the basis of a balanced and strong foundation. The same applies to building a data warehouse. Data Architecture is a set of rules, standards and models that determine and define what type of data are collected and how they are used within an organisation stored, managed and integrated.

Information Modelling

The goal of data modelling is to make sure the data warehouse delivers its promised return on investment. It is the component of data architecture that supports the mission of the data warehouse, to provide business intelligence and enable analysts to form tomorrow’s profit making strategies.

Our open and standardised modelling technique allows the data integration process to be automated. This automation ensures speed, cost reduction and higher data quality by reducing manual errors. This allows for more focus on the actual analysis and more advanced solutions that can provide a company with the insights they need.

Reference Architecture

We use a hybrid reference architecture to build future-proof solutions. Your business requirements change or new systems are put in place or deleted? No worries – our multi layered solution is flexible and scalable by design.

Let's turn your data into actionable insights

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Our other solutions

Data Strategy
Align stakeholders, map business needs and available data in and outside an organization to find the perfect solution.
Data Architecture
Combine data from different data sources into one unified data hub using automation.
Data Engineering
Combine data from different data sources into one unified data hub using automation.
Analytics Engineering
Data Quality
Check whether the project matches expected requirements and ensure that there are no defects. Pinpoint errors or any missing requirements.
Data Visualization
Interactive applications and dashboards to facilitate the exploration and interaction with the data.
Create the intelligence your business requires by leveraging the results of the data pipeline processes.
Manage the entire ML lifecycle, including data preparation, model training, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance with MLOps.
Intensive training for both our and your employees to ensure they master the necessary skills and methodologies.